Get a Facebook Agency Ad account

Benefits with Facebook Agency Ad Account

App for Self-Serve Account Management

FAQs - Your Inquiries, Our Clear Answers
How long does it take to get started?
After you get onboarded, you will make your first deposit and request for your ad account. Once done, it takes 24-48 hours for the ad account issuance. Depending on the Partner you're choosing at the time of requesting the ad account.
Can I do top ups 24/7?
Yes, our team, spread across various time zones,
enables us to offer almost 24/7 top-ups. There's always someone
online to address your requests, ensuring uninterrupted scaling and
steady cash flow management.
How do I get support?
Each client has a dedicated Slack channel with their Account Managers for direct support, along with access to a self-service helpdesk. This helpdesk covers various processes like new ad account requests, account top-ups, appeals, transfers, and purchasing Facebook assets, among others.
How to get Facebook agency ad accounts?
To get Facebook agency ad accounts, which are exclusive to its Partners, please reach out to AdsAccounts for assistance. Our team can guide you through the process and explore potential options available for accessing these accounts. Kindly contact the details below to connect with AdsAccounts.
How to buy a Facebook agency account?
You can't directly buy a Facebook agency account. You have to apply for one through Facebook's official channels or rent from an authorized agency like AdsAccounts.
How many ad accounts can I get?
There is no limit on how many ad accounts you can get. This totally depends on your monthly ad spends and if you're complying with Media Channel's Policies. If everything is good, there is no limit.
Can I pay with credit card?
Yes, we provide you the option to top up your ad account using your credit cards through Stripe. Please note there's an extra processing fees on all top ups made through Stripe.
I have been banned before, can you help?
We provide support even if you've faced prior bans or Facebook issues. We assist in understanding and rectifying problems. Additionally, we can connect you with resources for replacements if you've lost your personal profile, Business Manager, or Page.
What is a Facebook agency ad account?
A Facebook agency ad account allows advertising agencies to manage multiple ad accounts for different clients under one umbrella account.
How much does a Facebook agency ad account cost?
There are no direct costs associated with a Facebook agency ad account. However, minimum ad spend requirements may apply to access certain features.